If you're after good multiplayer, then pick this up. Otherwise it's not at all worth it.
Still, it didn't stop me from picking it up a few weeks later when it was released.
Is it any better then the demo would let you believe?
Yeah, it is. Not that much. But it is.
Graphically the game is decent, atleast a far as mech's and explosions go.
Everything else is about or below average.
The ground textures are especially horrid and it looks weird having these magnifciant mech's roaming about on such crappy landscape.
They look quite out of place, which is a minor annoyance.
Sound effects are okay.
What little music there is is decent and the voice acting, though not terrific is passable.
The game really shines in the garage, where you build your mech with parts unlocked and bought.
Theres a large variety of different part, so customization is massive.
I wish I could say actual gameplay was as interesting.
It's point. It's shoot.
And usually whoever has the bigger guns will win.
Or sometimes, the faster one who can circle around the slower one's continuously firing.
Singleplayer is relatively dull, and the only reason you'd have to play through it would be to unlock more parts.
Online is where it's at.
Playing deathmatch is fine enough.
But the meat is the persistant online war.
Which I have yet to take part in.
I have trouble finding a squad of like minded individuals who play for fun and won't whine if we don't win. I'm aussuming if you could find a squad, the fun factor will jump up significantly, but I can't.
And theres no way you can influence the war by your lonesome, which sucks.
Anyway, if you like team based games, this one's definately a keeper.