With a slightly fun single player, and amazing multiplayer this game is great for most 360 owners with xbox live...
Gameplay: At first this game seemed really boring and slow and i was thinking "why on earth did i buy this game" but after i did a few missions in story mode the game seemed to move "faster" and got alot more fun because i knew what i was doing, the story mode is slightly fun, there basically isnt any story to the game at all which is dissapointing, its mostly just about you working for a bunch of people from different countries and you have to "investigate" something or just plain destroy the intruders. The mech customization is one of the greatest things in the game, there is so much to customize, you can add anything to your mech, you can make your mech a sniper mech, a heavey gunner, a frontline soldier, a small fast scout, basically any type of mech you want they'll have it, the multiplaer is amazing, basically its like this 3 countries are at war you choose a country, then join a squad for that country, and you go out on battles with your squad to defend your country, there are also free play, and ranked matches if joining a squad isnt your thing.
Graphics and sound: The graphics in this game are great, one of the first things i noticed was how the mechs left behind footprints or tracks from their treads it was really cool how they did that, also the mechs themselves look amazing, and the explosions are really cool looking, the sound in this game is great but ot amazing the explosions just dont have the same feel when they make a pop noise instead of a boom noise, but the sounds of the mechs walking and shooting are really good
The replay value in this game is quite large with all the customization and the online wars...
Pros: Great and very fun online, Tons of customization, Smooth great looking graphics, the game is extremely fun once you get into it even the single player
Cons: May seem very boring at first, may also seem slow at first, no real single player story, may want to rent it first as it isnt a game for everyone