I've got a fevuh! And the only prescription...is more Chromehounds!!

User Rating: 8.9 | Chromehounds X360
I have been patiently waiting for a 360 answer to my MechWarrior Jones and Chromehounds filled the need.

The graphics are amazing and the controls are logical and customizable.

The training is kind of slow, if you have any experience with mech-type games, but if you ace them you can get a quick boost to your achievements and there are tons more to acquire with further play.

I got through to the scout level on my first sit down, without a break. Really fun and challenging in some parts.

A key strategy to remember with this release is to think before you act. full on Braveheart style confrontation is not always your best bet. Especially, when dealing with an overwhelming foe, later in the game. Don't always take the borrowed hound, either. you can customize from the first lone mission you do.

I only had one problem during my first real battle with the heavy weapon missile launching missions.

You can't turn off the captioning!!!!!

If you attempt to zone in on your target using the range-finder, the dang captioning covers your targets. And the mouthy chick you run with during the most frantic onslaught of enemy hounds, WILL NOT SHUT UP!!!! So, you have her endless warnings of "the enemy is close" and she's the one throwing a wrench in the works with her backseat driving.

Who missed this during testing????

You can get through that level by being fully aware of all enemies on the field.

Don't fall for obvious distraction and you'll soon be lighting up the landscape with the broken and charred remains of your foolish attackers.

This is game is easy to drop right into and start having fun, but you'll need some strategy and a defined goal hierarchy as the game's later levels require you to command several other units in order to win the battle and the war.

**** Graphics, Totally Awesome Sound, Sick Hound Weapons available, Tripindicular acheivements for you to earn. Get it.

Big O.