Exceptional in every way, shape, and form.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
Chrono Cross is a fantastic game, definitely an all around work of genius. The storyline is one of the very few that are so in-depth and well written that playing the game is almost like watching a great book play out on the screen. I was so enveloped and captivated by the storyline that it was hard for me to put down the controller and turn off the game. The battle system is great, although slightly sluggish at points. The amount of characters are jaw dropping for a roll playing game of its time. More than forty characters, all unique in looks, personality, and abilities. Some of the characters have a pre-existing relationship before they join your "party", which adds even more to the awesome storyline. The background on all the characters are extremely well written and fit the story line perfectly. The soundtrack is perfect for the setting of the game. The art for the game is beautiful and the cut-scenes will have you at the edge of your seat. My favorite game BY FAR.