One of the best games on the Playstation.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
This is easily one of my favorite games on the Playstation, and I think that its a crime that the Chrono Universe wasn't continued on from where Chrono Cross left off. For those of you who don't know, there was another entry in the Chrono Universe that I don't think was released anywhere besides Japan called Radical Dreamers which is what Chrono Cross is partially based off of. The combat system is interesting and would be hard to describe without leaving a lot of people with question marks over their heads, but I'll try anyway. Each character is given 7 stamina points at the beginning of the fight. There are 3 different strength attacks that use different amounts of stamina (weak uses 1, medium uses 2, heavy uses 3). You can use any combination that adds up to 7. Then when you wish to use elements (a type of magic in the game) it uses up 7 stamina. The good thing about elements is that you can use then as long as you have 1 stamina point left, however, if you use it when you have one stamina left you will -6 stamina after the spell if cast. Everytime a character uses a stamina point the other characters will regain some of their stamina, how much it is depends on the character (some will restore 1 stamina, some will restore 0.7 stamina and some might restore 1.3 stamina). If no one can use any command, the enemy will automatically be able to attack. Also true to its predecessor Chrono Trigger, it brings back double and triple techs. Of course the use of a triple tech will result in zero stamina for the entire party, but its worth it. I think that covers battle mechanics. If you've played Chrono Trigger, then you will find a lot of familiar scenes in Chrono Cross, but this game is really for anyone who appreciates a great game with a solid and deep story, and just like CT it has New Game + as well as several different endings. A game truely unlike any other on the Playstation, and, in my opinion, better than Final Fantasy 7. But don't take my word for it, buy it and play it yourself.