Kicks serious ass makes Final Fantasy 7 looks like a baby!

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
This game is so amazingly wonderful! I totally thought I was going to hate it when I first turned it on. It looked too complicated and I assumed the learning curve would be high. However, within minutes I was hooked. And I played it for several months. This game is a two disc game and the first disc lasts FOREVER! The second disc is a bit disappointing, length-wise, but the game overall is phenomenal. Now I have got to get my hands on the original Super Nintendo game. The story line in Chrono Cross is so intricate and well thought out, I assume a great deal of it connects to Chrono Trigger as well. I am so blown away by this game there are not even enough words to describe it. I am sure every game I play from here on out will pale in comparison. I wish I could play this game forever! If you are an RPG lover, you have got to play this game. It can not be missed! And you will not be disappointed.