A masterpiece of a game on all fronts
Choron Cross has been overlooked by so many people, that it's almost unpopular. Chrono Cross probably more effort put into it then any other game ever made. Not only did a small crew of people make it, but they didn't have alot of money to make it either, and then you have hundreds of other gaming companies that have millions more then these Square guys had, and those games don't even compare to the shining quality in this game.
So first, the gameplay. It's unmatched. RPG's have not ever accomplished this before. Chrono Cross had a world of different characters that affected different parts of the game. If you had a certain group of people in your party, you may have had to take a different route to get somewhere then you would have with another group of people, or if you meat a certain person, a character in your party may have a conversation with them from a past memory or nightmare. There are so many outcomes in the game, you will have to play through the game thousands of times to see every one. Also the battle system is very creative and doesn't follow in the footsteps of the other great RPG's like most other games do. Chrono Cross is genius in everyway that can't be denied by anyone. Also looking for ultimate weapons and rainbow materials will have you so busy with the game, you will forget all others in your collection.
The graphics were revolutionary at the least. Everything in the whole game was detailed, from pots in a treasure room to the terrain in the battles. Every character is detailed from head to toe, as well as the weapons they carry, and the effects that are the souls of the spells you use in the game.
From the music to the sound effects, this game blends them so well together that it spiraled its way to a level of even more fun. It sounds stupid, but it's true!
The game is very hard to find and it's expensive those are the only downsides. If found, it is mandatory to be bought for the ultimate experience. You won't be sorry you did.