Squaresofts capabilities in music and story once again proves in this game to top the all time charts as it deserves!
Graphics/Physics: 9 - Graphics and cut-scenes add a lot to the game, classic squaresoft creativity.
Sound: 10 - Best music and sound out of any game I've yet to play on any platform. You just can't ever beat the music in any other game.
Environment/Maps: 10 - Just like chrono trigger but more in-depth maps and environment. Plenty of people to see and things to do.
Game Engine/Scripting: 9.5 - Great scripting used in the game. A lot of usuable items and full of equippible items. Awesome character/soulswicth midway through.
Interface: 9.5 - Fantastic mix between physical and magic combat. Turn based combat and very simple character and map controls.
Overall: 10 - Squaresofts capabilities in music and story once again prove to make this game top of the all time charts and it deserves to be! It has to be extra-ordinarily stunning game to get my 10 grade stamp.