A hardcore gamer must-have. RPG Classic.

User Rating: 9.6 | Chrono Trigger SNES
Some people think this game is overrated, and I think they've been drinking too much antifreeze. Some games are truly great because of the little things they add and influence to other games to come. So you're some kid celebrating a millenium fair with crappy robots talking about winning silver points and beer chugging contests. Well with luck being as it is, you end up knocking into a blonde, giving back her necklace that gets dropped, and hooking up with her for a little while. Your nerdy female friend Lucca's finishing a teleport device and you try it out, works like a charm. Miss blondie heads in and thanks to her "special" necklace, gets literally time-warped into the past. Being the good guy, you use the necklace to hunt her back in the past. Having said that brief bit of the storyline, I'll leave the rest to try: But it is very well organized, captivating with a very interesting assortment of characters, and very hard to forget. Let's talk gameplay: Instead of just plain magic, in chrono trigger you get tech abilities, which IMO can be much more fun, especially considering you can use combinations of characters to have "double" techs and "triple" techs, using multiple players to do a very strong attack, or perhaps some other use. One record Chrono trigger still holds to my knowledge is having the most possible endings in a game, around 11 or so, if I'm wrong please do correct me. The amount of side quests and random things you can do in this game is still pretty astounding, rainbow armor, Nu, and so on and so on. You'll probably spending between 20-40 hours or more to completely finish EVERYTHING, and I say good luck to you sir(or madam). If you have a PC, get the rom for this: http://www.emu-russia.km.ru, and you can find the emulator zsnes at www.zophar.net. It's really hard to find a copy of the original SNES cartridge, or even the ps version, so I'd suggest that route. If you haven't, play this game: Period.