This game proved to me that JRPGs can be rewarding.
Most of Today's JRPGs weren't cutting it so I decided to go back in time to 1997 and play the DS version of the SNES classic.
About halfway through the game I finally became "immersed" and I finished the game satisfied. However, it then struck me that, althoug this game is amazing, it still lacks in modern areas. You can't customize your character's look. (For obvious reasons, but still). Gears doesn't change on your character. You are bound to one class. It is really a story driven and tactical RPG. There is no way to customize the way you play this game other than sifting around characters.
Personally, I enjoy adding to a game with at least some form of customization. Even being able to create your own spells or weapons would have made this game a tad better but alas...
The story is amazing although it can be rather cheesy. There are multiple endings and the game is very satisfying to complete. You should play this game.