I HATE RPGS, but i LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE this game! It ROCKS! They perfected what other games only ATTEMPT!
User Rating: 9.7 | Chrono Trigger SNES
After gamespot added their article on the fact that they were adding chronotrigger to their greatest game list, i remembered that i have a copy of it. I never played it much cause i've never liked RPGs. Never have i had THIS much fun with ANY RPG. It held my attention the WHOLE time! The graphics for that time period were AWSOME. They gameplay is FLAWLESS. The controls are 100% precise. The music is amazing. The dialogue gets right to the point and for those who dont like to read, you can simply hit the "a" button to advance it. I've tried soo many other RPG's out there and never liked very many of them (i dont count any zelda games cause they arent turn-based RPG's). I absolutely LOOOOOVED this game. Its a shame that i have an incredible PC, xbox 360, and a PSP and i've been spending my time playing CRONOTRIGGER!!! LOL!