User Rating: 10 | Chrono Trigger SNES
As you can see from my title... Yes. It's the best RPG game of all time.
This was actually my first RPG game though and before I ever thought about playing the game, to me it looked boring just by watching how it plays and reading its balloon texts. Crono's Luminare is one of the main figure that caught me and dragged me out on playing this game. When I was watching my little brother battling against Lavos, to me the sound effects of the scene activated my "low action fuel". It was armageddon; characters unleashing devastating magics (some may look kind of silly) especially the (i forgot what it was called) double-attack with Crono with other characters. The story itself was intriguing and for me who gets bored pretty quick at reading, this made me understood why great stories are written and published.. ..and yes I hated reading even from school =P


Gameplay - the game is easy at first, of course, but once you started progressing and fighting higher level enemies, it gets harder. Urging your characters to level is what keeps you playing this game. The menus and options are easy to adapt and friendly (not like how RPGs nowadays..)

Graphics - character designs by Akira Toriyama 'nuff said...

Story - the story combine with its gameplay is probably my most memorable RPG game of my once in a lifetime gamer. This is the RPG that made me an RPG gamer today. The story is funny especially the happy accidents where Crono gets framed; Magus turning sides, and meeting different kinds of people during time traveling.

This game will add taste to those gamers who aren't into RPG games.
I'm pretty sure most hardcore RPG gamers today started on this game too..
This game is a must own and if you weren't born on the day this came out, I just don't know how to feel sorry for you.. But don't worry, for those who don't own a Super NES, there's a new version with new additionals such as animation cutscenes for the Playstation version.

This is a must own; I would suggest you to buy this game now because this is a game that only exists once in a lifetime.

If you want to know if this game has a replay value, I would suggest beating the game first from start to finish and wait till Crono awakes again...