Party Games may amuse anyone under the age of 10, but it's not for anyone else.
So here you're a kid from about 5 avatar choices, like a oriental chinese boy or a boy scout. So you're just watching TV with your dad and then a commercial for Chuck E Cheese comes on. The kid thinks it looks like fun, okay wait, here's where Party Games gets iffy. The kid has no idea what Chuck E Cheese is? He has a Chuck E Cheese TV! Okay, getting off track. So you're dad says you can't go, and tells his 9 year old son to get a job. Seems pretty cruel to me. So the kid wants to work at Chuck E Cheese, which takes out the whole idea of asking dad to take him. He gets a job making pizzas. UGH!! I hope he washed his hands. So since he's a kid, they pay him in tokens, and this is the first of two types of currency in the game, but I'll get to the other later.
Here in Party Games, after obtaining enough tokens, you get to play games! But wait, you have to unlock them first. Yes, at a Chuck E Cheese, they lock down games. So you spin a wheel to unlock a new game, the problem? Well it's easy at first, but when you have more games unlock it's harder to unlock more of the ones that are left. After that, you can play! Now to games are what you'd expect at a Chuck E Cheese, childish. But it got too childish when I started doing basic counting and connect the dots. Luckily, there are games to satisfy the kid older than 6. So the advanced games are like shooting hoops and whack-a-mole. One of the worst games here was a cattle herding games where you swung your arm like a rope, then thrust. The issue is that the controls are so clunky it reads it as a forward thrust, so I couldn't catch any other cattle except the one in front. So after you'll play these games, you'll earn a number of tickets, which is the game's second currency. Tickets were used at the prize counter to buy extra levels in each of the more advanced games or have improvements to your character by earning more tickets. But it's funny because I wouldn't even have to play the game but I would still earn 100 tickets. But one prize that got my eye is this Ultimate Prize. It is 30,000 tickets! Well I went for it, and 3 1/2 hours later (I wish I was joking,) I got it! Well this super secret prize is the toy you're avatar really wanted, since I choose the boy scout, I got a tent. Afterwards, you'll see the ending and end credits. You can always go back, choose another avatar, and get the prize again. I did this only one other time when I learned you can keep you're upgrades. There's also an awards room! This is like trophies or achievements on you're other systems. So some prizes would be as simple as getting to level 4 on the dancing game, but others were just punishing! They wanted me to get the ultimate prize, 10 times! I probably would if there was more than 5 kids you can choose from, so that meant I would have to see the same toy over and over again. What's stupid is that there's NO MULTIPLAYER. The game is called Chuck E Cheese's Party Games, so what kinda party game, has no multiplayer? It was a stupid decision by the developers. But I guess they were kinda correct not putting any in, like I said, half the game is preschool trivia, and nobody wants to play that together.
Music was pretty good, changed for every game, I liked the variety. Graphics were Wii-tastic (Not made by Nintendo.)
So Chuck E Cheese's Party Games, should you buy, rent, or skip? I'd say skip, since I'm a person over the age of 10. But if you want to give a gift for a cheap price, this game will let this rising 5th grader have fun.
Goods-Music had variety, pizza making was fun, upgrades
Bads-Bad Graphics, no multiplayer, some broken controls, too many kiddy games, intense challenge for awards