This game is as close as WINNER to Shaq Fu. UPCHUCK...arhm, CHUCK NORRIS IS WINNER!!!
Chuck Norris is in this game, and wow, I'd say, this game is almost as WINNERfun as Shaq Fu. Basically, it combines beat em up, RPG, strategy, fighting, K-1 kickboxing, frisbee, soccer, swimming, slingshotting, ant collecting, TV watching, CB talkin', LOSER kickin', spontaneous combusting, laser cannon firing, extreme graphics, 100000000 hour+ gameplay, impossibly hard AI, WINNER gameplay.
'Nuff said, if this ain't enough, just look at the other reviews out there.
Now, let's sit down and watch Invasion USA while playing this game and listening to Chuck Norris' Greatest Country Music Album at the same time. Just remember to not get too much WINNER overload or you'll asplode.