An amazing game with a beautiful graphics and a better story than most of the AAA games released in recent years.

User Rating: 10 | Cinders PC
I'm a big fan of role playing and and a solid story is a must for me. To my surprise the consequences of my choices were really reflected by the game in a very visible way. Or more precisely, I felt the changes rather than simply saw them. The storytelling is simple but effective and really pulls you into the fantasy world of Cinders. The story itself is sweet and touching, leaving you wondering about the choices you made and the characters you met.

The characters are one of the strongest aspects of the game. They all have their own distinctive personalities, motives and back stories. The developers promise an active and witty female protagonist but the rest of cast is equally memorable. The dialog is well written and unexpectedly funny. I had many moments where I just laughed out loud even though I generally consider myself a very serious person.

The game kind of works like a book. You can read it, rewind and fast forward. But unlike a book, you must make your own choices. Each choice really matters and the story branches out according to your decisions. A single play through is not too long - about 4 to 5 hours - but there's a lot of replay value because different choices lead to very different endings.

There aren't too many animations or state of the art realistic graphics but the illustrations are beautiful and the characters really come to life even with the simple animations. The soundtrack fits well into the atmosphere and gives each character and location it's own memorable theme.

Overall, it's a simple game, it's a short game, but it's also an amazing game with beautiful graphics and a better story than most of the AAA games released in recent years. You do not want to miss it!