You get to drive a chariot and smack people with whatever weapon your character has.If you drive like a monkey then you can just press a button and let the cpu take over drivng while that leaves all the smacking to you!! I didn't know what this game would be like when I bought it (but it was only $5.99 so you can't lose) and it turneed out to be awesome! A lot of cheap games were underappreciated and I'm on a mission to find them and write about them!!! This game is fun for everyone and you can even team up on the same chariot letting one person drive and one person smack it up!!! This game is one of the best Xbox games ever made!!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars
Chariot wars is one of the best underated games in the world. It has over 20 hours of gameplay. For begginers there are 17 levels of training to test all of your skills in chariot racing. The best part about training is ... Read Full Review
You might not expect to find a good game when you've already heard of most of the good games already, but when you buy this one you won't be disapointed. For a racing game it is kind of complex: reach a maximum speed w... Read Full Review