I saw City Life in Woolworths. It was a bargain price at around £5 and I thought to myself in Top Gear style, 'How hard can it be to build a city?' So, as my own challenge, I bought City Life for an insane price. I started playing and after notmuch time at all, I realised it was incredibly difficult. I just gave up after a while. I just couldn't get the certain types of people to work where I wanted them to. It annoyed me. It started well though, making the first bits, but when I tried to expand and to get the higher classes in, it always went to pieces. If you're good at city builders, sure buy it, but if you prefer shooting stuff up and speeding round corners in fast cars, don't bother.
STOP!!! City Life IS NOT a SimCity clone! Most of the negative reviews seem to be coming from SC4 officianados and that is just not fair comparison to a game that in no way tries to resemble the HO modeling of SimCit... Read Full Review
City Life is everything Sim City 4 was not. The graphics as a total package are amazing. It offers realistic 3-D characters not 2 dimensinal paper cut outs. The game is up to date using 3-D rendering and harnesses the p... Read Full Review