City of Heroes is a decent MMORPG, that is sorely underappreciated.

User Rating: 8.7 | City of Heroes PC
Let me start by saying I have been playing since launch and I have seen some nice improvements since it's debut. The game is not awesome, but it is definitely fun to play through. You basically get to create your own hero from scratch and wander around the city saving people from crime. The only let down that this game has is there is no pvp but that'll change pretty soon here when they release the next patch. Then you'll be able to have one on one fights or team battles. Which will definitely be fun. Any ways now that I'm done ranting, on with the review. Gameplay The game is setup for a variety of people. You have 4 main archtypes to choose from when you start off. Blaster, Tanker, Scrapper, Controller, and Defender. In essence the blaster is like a sorceress because they rely on ranged attacks. The tanker and scrapper is like a knight because they attack at close range and have better defense. The controller is almost like the blaster but has a better balance between offense and defense. The Defender is usually the healer and helps buff your party; so they can raise your defense or attack in some cases. Each archtype has it's advantages and disadvantages. The only thing that may anger some people is the fact that some archtypes are extremely easy to solo with while others are not easy at all. Take for instance the blaster, when you start off it is very hard to wander around on your own, how ever as you level and earn experience it becomes easier to be by yourself. Battle is easy and simple to catch on to, but it also has depths in some ways. For instance you can slot abilities and add enhancements to them. Depending on what you choose to slot may affect how much damage your guy does or how much damage your character can with stand. The best thing about the game is forming Supergroups which is very helpful because you can form friendships and have more people to team with if you end up stuck some where. Supergroups also can get missions specifically designed for a Supergroup. The only downfall to the gameplay is the grinding. Level grinding can be a bear between certain levels. The key to overcoming this though is to sidekick a higher level. The sidekick system allows lower level players to team up with higher lvl people and fight at the same level. It's a neat way to help move the leveling along should you become stuck. When you die in the game, it has some thing called a debt system. The way it works is it calculates your level when you die and accordingly gives you a fixed amount of debt. You work off debt by defeating bad guys. Debt cuts your xp in half so it's important too loose it. The beauty of the game though is that you can exemplar lower level people. By doing this all your xp that you would get goes to pay off debt. Therefore you get out of debt a lot quicker than you would if you were just fighting with out exemping. Graphics The game looks like a comic book, which is what it was set out to do. So the graphics are nice. There are a few glitches here and there but overall the game looks great for an MMORPG. Not the greatest but it looks decent. Sound Sound in my opinion is perfect for the game. The explosions from your fire blaster hitting some one sounds great. When the guys die you hear them groan before they croak. They even have a sound playing when your are near some thing you need to find so if you go on a mission and need to find something you don't spend 3 hours trying to find it. Value With all the updates I've seen and future ones in the works, it's definitely worth the monthly fee. Plus when City of Villians comes out it will introduce even more possibilities. Tilt I'm partial to the idea creating my own hero so my tilt is kind of high.