Very Entertaining.......For Awhile

User Rating: 8.2 | City of Heroes PC
(European version) I bought this game about 3 months ago, and like you do with every newly bought game you play on it the majority of the time compared to your other games, and this is exactly what i did and when you get into it's very immersive and addictive. But the problem is how long will it be "immersive" and "addictive". This is obviously what most MMO's come across. Because the worlds are so large you need to keep patches and updates quite frequent. So when an upcoming patch was coming i got excited because at this stage i had quite a high character as my main. But when the new patch came i found it with little but an auctioning system, which obviously lets you sell your items in a community of buyers. But i continued to play....and play...until one day i looked at my SG's(Super Groups) list of members, and it hit me that the european version of this game highly lacks online activity and soon became boring, cause with the player search you only ever saw the same players on everyday. Which was a HUGE let down. So firstly i will review gameplay:
Like i have said it is very entertaining for a few months, but will gradualy bore you. Unless you will become completely immersed within the COH world.
The Graphics are very satisfying, better than WOW for instance, and you dont really need a recently bought pc to play, Though you would have the lower graphic settings. I liked the way that they used the light to reflect of the suit, and the visuals of the powers.
Well the sound with the powers was very upto standard, but in terms of voice in cutscenes it wasnt that spectacular and sounded quite tacky and fake.
The value in this game i suppose is acceptable, but in terms of monthly payments i would lower it in that game due to lack of online activity and repetitive missions.
Reviewers Tilt:
In all if you like the idea of being a superhero with abnormally extreme abilities then i suppose this game is for you. But if you want to have the euro version i highly disagree with buying it, but in terms of gameplay and graphics, and i suppose sound, well this game is worth buying. But if you wish to buy a game that is more active then the euro version isnt for you.