A superhero based MMORPG? Count me in!

User Rating: 9 | City of Heroes PC
This game instantly drew me in over all other MMORPGs for one reason, you can be a super hero! Ever since I was a kid, and I know many of you here also think this, I've wanted to be a super hero and have super powers. Flying, super speed, super strength, the works! You get to do all that in this game. As soon as you enter the game you have to make a charecter. You have a choice between a Blaster, Tanker, Defender and Controller. As a blaster you have one job, use ranged attacks to take out enemys. Now while being a blaster, you should always keep a good short ranged attack handy. A tanker combines good defence and good offence for a great combination of mele attacks. A defender heals and defends the other party members. The controller uses magic to control enemys and such. Now that you have a charecter picked out its time to customize! You have litterly MILLIONS of combinations of colors that you could do with your charecter. There are a bunch of little masks and paints and what not to keep your charecter truely unique. When you enter the game you have to go through an interactive little tutorial which is the same everytime you create a new charecter. You have to go from point A to B, talk to new contacts, beat up baddies, get expierence points and the such. When you do that you are dropped into the fast-paced world of Liberty City. You basically keep doing quests ala the usual MMORPG formula. The graphics is pretty good. They're not the best out there but they're nice. Sound gets very annoying very fast and I usually turn off the ingame music and throw some tunes on Winamp. This game overall is very nice and I think deserves a go for a while.