This is a game that hits all the right buttons with its fanboy audience. It's as good as MMOGs get! Most MMORPGs have you waste a lot of time just getting your character up to a "decent" level before it starts to be fun. This usually means performing menial tasks like killing rabbits just to buy a useful weapon. In COH, you are slugging it out with villains in the first five minutes! Add in the ultimate character customization engine (costume design), multiple costume slots, the ability to enhance or respec powers and an ever-evolving city map the size of Manhattan...and be prepared to spend three hours a day on average playing this game :)
I recommend this game for anyone who wants to give MMOs a shot, or anyone whose tired of slow MMOs. Unlike most online RPGs, City of Heroes has a fast play/fighting style that'll keep you interested, and a well paced lev... Read Full Review
How can I make you feel the deep love/hate relationship I have with this game. In almost every way, this is the worst massive multiplayer game to come around in a long time. But, there is so much about it that is just so... Read Full Review