This game really is Heroic!

User Rating: 10 | City of Heroes PC
I believe that 8.3 for this smasher of an MMORPG is an insult, this game is the game that I've spent most of my free time on. The scale of everything is totally imense. The create-a-character section is great, the number of parts available means not a single person on the game will have the same costume. The amount of powers there are is also amazing. If you wanna be a lightning thrower and a fire master you can, if you wanna specialize in guns and gadgets you can. The levels you play are huge and can take around 10 minutes to get from 1 side to another and there are loads of them, each bigger than the next. There are even powers to unlock such as flight, super speed, jumping etc. Levelling up and improving your newly found skills is as fun as anything else. And the absolute best part of the game is that its upgraded by the creaters, adding new features for holidays like christmas, easter, halloween etc. All in all this is one of my favourite games of all time.