User Rating: 9.6 | City of Heroes PC
Haven't had this much fun since EQ first came out. NCSOFT/Cryptic and finally reached the 1st Holy Grail of MMOG's, character originality. Thousands of character suit and color combinations. Never saw one hero look just like another. Amazing what just adding color customization will do. The most refreshing part was....NO LAG. Or maybe it was...NO INVENTORIES! Let's face it, obtaining a zillion items, trying to sell them, and trying store them is tiresome. Awesome powers and character graphics. First time I shot an Energy Bolt from my robotic hands while hovering in the air, I almost shouted with glee. This game just FEELS RIGHT. The city itself is bland in comparison, but still done well and with a sense of atmoshphere. Big hit on their hands here. Will also lay groundwork for future MMOG's. CHARACTER ORIGINALITY! WOOT!!