My belief is that City of Heroes will mostly distinguish itself from other games of it's gendra by being the simplest, most down to the point MMORPG there is. They really went down to the whole point of huntings mobs, and that's making sure you can hunt mobs, quickly, easily and with very little to no real downtime between fights. But also of importance is the whole concept that makes things much more simple, thus anyone who's never played an MMORPG should not get lost in the miasma of difficut terminology and gaming concepts. RPGs of this genre have always been catered to the hardcore gamer while City of Heroes is done in a way that anything cand be understood quickly. And not only that, the fact that it's set in the realm of super heroes is, in my opinion, much more open to the imagination of everyone, even my grandfather. Thus, this is quite probably also the most welcoming game for this type of gameplay, by far compared to the other big players out there. Graphically it's one of the best I've seen but then again MMORPGs are not known for their graphic prowess. I can say that it's more than acceptable, in fact I don't see myself getting tired of them just yet. The sound is good yet not amazing but the environmental music just makes me think of Anarchy Online. The game appears to be stable but my computer has been haunted forever and yes I did have some crashes from time to time. Can't be denied but they are rare enough for this game to be plyable. BIG POINTS for character creation (put in my reviewer's tilt). Amazing creative possibilities here, AMAZING. I've never seen a game that let's you do pretty much anything you want. In fact the only super hero I can't really recreate is spiderman for it's web slinging and/or wall crawling powers, the rest just seems to be all there (minus capes). You can easily make your own Punisher, Spawn, Hulk, Superman... really there is not much limit to what you can make up.
I recommend this game for anyone who wants to give MMOs a shot, or anyone whose tired of slow MMOs. Unlike most online RPGs, City of Heroes has a fast play/fighting style that'll keep you interested, and a well paced lev... Read Full Review
How can I make you feel the deep love/hate relationship I have with this game. In almost every way, this is the worst massive multiplayer game to come around in a long time. But, there is so much about it that is just so... Read Full Review