It is a rare moment in the gaming universe when an online RPG launches smoothly. But, here the impossible has happened and it’s a welcome change of pace for this sort of game. City of Heroes plays like a game that has been tested thoroughly and designed by people with a true love for the genre it emulates. You feel like a powerful comic book character from your very first steps. I love the streamlined design of the game, no more level grinding, cryptic inventory management, or money woes. Just pure clobbern’ time action. A great game from top to bottom, I’ll be playing this game into the wee hours for a long time to come.
I recommend this game for anyone who wants to give MMOs a shot, or anyone whose tired of slow MMOs. Unlike most online RPGs, City of Heroes has a fast play/fighting style that'll keep you interested, and a well paced lev... Read Full Review
How can I make you feel the deep love/hate relationship I have with this game. In almost every way, this is the worst massive multiplayer game to come around in a long time. But, there is so much about it that is just so... Read Full Review