User Rating: 10 | City of Heroes PC
If anybody out there needs something refreshing, new and creative in a game - This is it. It's very easy, very fun, and very addictive. Theres nothing like being in a group with 7 other heroes blasting away on a group of zombies hidden away in a secret sewer. Or flying up to a building top and battling foes way up in the air. Its awesome. I give this game an easy 9.9, my only beef is - with the character customization so in-depth, I've still grown tired of some of my characters physical flaws and would like to re-work them.. but once you create your char's appearance, thats the way he is - forever. It's absolutely no big deal at all though, and it doesn't keep me from playing 8+ hours a day. :) Amazingly awesome game. 2 very easy thumbs up.