User Rating: 8.1 | City of Heroes PC
I had been anticipating this game from about the middle of 2003 and joined beta when they introduced the preorder offer. From the start I was impressed with the game becasue of the simple and intuative interface and startled a bit by how fun the gameplay was. The gameplay is great simply because it is such a departure from the normal hack and slash and where as in most other MMORPG you and or your group are almost completely consumed with attacking one enemy at a time, City of Heros is constantly challenging you with multiple targets with diffrent attack styles and offensive posturing. The Graphics although not top of the line by any means seem to fit well with the atmosphere they were trying to create and do help to keep frame rates steady even with a full team of heros and 10+ enemies on screen. The outside environments are well designed and are varied enough so as not to give the impression that you are viewing the same cookie cutter buildings, just of a diffrent size, as you run bound and or fly through the sprawling metropolis. Sound, This is the only real sticking point I have with this game. It doesnt seem as enought time was taken to give a real feeling to the sounds of combat which this game revolves around. The music changes and ambient sounds are efficient and most of the effects for the powers fit however I have heard sounds that seem like they were cut and pasted from other games. Also I would have liked to have heard some more sound out of the enemies like maby a few diffrent battle yells when they spy a hero so as to add to the asthetics as well as warn the hero when he has been noticed, instead of just feeling the projectiles in his flesh from being shot, blasted, or otherwise acossted. In battle some more oofs and outches would be nice also in addition to the static contact sound. Value, Enjoyment is paramount in determining how long I stay with a specific title. Graphics and Sound become secondary along with a multitude of diffrent activities, as I usually stay away from crafting and other activities that keep me out of the action for long periods of time. Variety is the spice of life here I enjoy changing looks and though not availible currently in game it has been stated that this will be added in comming updates, speaking of updates a frequent update schedule also keeps me around as it tells me that the crew working on the game still have its improvment in their minds. Most of these things remain to be seen but I believe this game has some staying power and if not well at least it goes a long way toward showing other developers what makes a fun game. In conclusion I really enjoy this game if for no other reason than I like saving the day, it makes me feel Super! and havnt we all dreamed of being a super hero... Toonice