City of highly motivated, slightly above average individuals.
User Rating: 4.7 | City of Heroes PC
Back when the game first came out the game was about Super Heroes. With the release of Issue 5 and a tremendous amount of nerfs (Gaming team for weakening) the game is a shadow of it's former self. I played actively from day one. I've seen the game go up with Issue 2, but go steadily down with Issue 3 on up. Constant neglect of high level characters. Slow to release new content. Slow and unreliable bug patches. Poorly managed forums (If they don't like your post they delete it even if it's within the rules). An overzealous and short sighted game designer. All flash and no substance. However the new players just joining will not see anything as they didn't see the game in it's peak months. A sad, but true fact. People said that heroes were too tough in the game. Last time I checked I never heard "Superman's too tough. You should weaken him. It's not fair for the bad guys." Yes weaken is what they did. No longer can you excel at what you do. Now we're all just a general mess of heroes that can do things that some others can't. Like gulash, only less appealing. I fear things will only get worse from here as the people at NCSoft have forgoten to reward loyalty. Slowly but surely the old players are leaving. City of Heroes will be a distant memory. An example of what not to do.