I didn't review this game? I thought i did, now i will review it again... Such a great game! This is a game designed for ME! cos i am a very different gamer. Sometimes, i can play a game for a whole day, but sometimes I only want to spend 1 hour or less to play a game then go out to find some real world game. COH is a suitable for both of your purpose. The gameplay is fun, I really love solos, that's how i played in most games, but here, play with other games is fun for me too. cos you don't need to worry about spending time to join a team or leave a team. You can instantly form a team with another hero on the street, and when you guys killed 2 orange mobs, you can leave the team. No hard feelings!!! And if you want to solo, this game is far more better than other MMORPG, some times, i even think it's a multiplayer game designed for single players. You don't worry about finding missions, you don't worry about money, you don't worry about team, you don't worry about anything, you just go to kill, polish your power, and have fun! Yes, i haven't metioned on the character creating process. This THING should be a standard for EVERY MMORPG!!! You know what, i got 6 characters on Liberty server. AND, how long did i spend to create them? haha, i think about 10 hours? yes, it's so fun! Not only because you can create a unique looking hero in this game, but also you can really create a UNIQUE hero in this world! I do think some of the characters created by the players can really be a comic star. Arrr, there still a lot of to say, but I have to go now. The last words should be comparing this game to other MMORPGs. I played Everquest, for 1 year, i love it, but at the end, it made me feel really really tired. Player should never stick to a game that deep, i call that a failure of the game, not a success. And i played Anachy online, DAOC, they are not bad, but too similiar to everquest, and played Planetside, which is fun in the begining, but can't last for 2 weeks. COH is a game beat all of them, i think maybe i will feel bored, but now, 1 month away from the begining, i still love it!
I recommend this game for anyone who wants to give MMOs a shot, or anyone whose tired of slow MMOs. Unlike most online RPGs, City of Heroes has a fast play/fighting style that'll keep you interested, and a well paced lev... Read Full Review
How can I make you feel the deep love/hate relationship I have with this game. In almost every way, this is the worst massive multiplayer game to come around in a long time. But, there is so much about it that is just so... Read Full Review