city of heroes
User Rating: 8.3 | City of Heroes PC
fun online game okay to start you play a super hero in a town of herosand now lets go back to the with the make you own super hero and powers is genuis and it is online to that incredible but you dont get to fight other peole super heroes that would of been fun all you get to fight is bad guys in the server but as you play your character grows on you and it sorta feel like it is yours and it is fun to get a bunch of freinds and just go for some baddies the gameplay is crips but the powers you have are sorta stuck to you and not many moves with the so that is bad and then there is the battles wich are funt to see your created character fight all in the streets being a hero the grapihcs it a pc game of course it has good grapics and all the moves look to see to and of course you person looks good to the osund is not so good i did not like it so much