The game is a blast for a while, that is till you fly straghit into a brick wall doing 120MPH+ while grinding.
The combat system was also very well done, nuff said. Great power animations, enemys, control. The combat was just fun. However by the time you get much past twenty most people would agree that you fly straghit into a brick wall doing 120MPH+. Exp is cut back by an insane amount starting around level sixteen and by the time you hit twenty the fun just dies for alot. Grinding isn't that fun all there is to it. For any casusal gamer, this game is not for you. It can and will take you several days/weeks if your lucky before advancing in level when your trying to nab the last few levels.
Simply put this game is pretty much a hardcore grind. Once you get past level twenty you will also find obtaining new powers dosn't come very dang often as it will take a few days or longer sometimes before you obtain a new power. Getting one new power for your power pools dosn't do much towards increasing the gameplay either except for the first half hour to a hour after you get it. Then it's back to the same old grind over and over again, in the same old cave or office building over and over.
The game can run very well when in teams or when you solo, though some classes can solo while others can't. Teaming and having a fun clan that talks, helps each other out, and does base raids, will find the grinding to be a bit easier to bare with most people.
The fact that there isn't much depth past the combat and charcter creation will bum alot out too. No crafting, no inventory(besides picking up enchaments to power up your powers and inspirations(provides bonuses to this or that)), and no story for alot of people. What I mean for alot of people is the fact that you have to talk to so and so before you out level the story arc. For those who have tooken extra measures to make sure they grab all the story arcs say the story is pretty well writen.
If you don't mind grinding or you like it, I suggest getting this game!!! To you other people I suggest getting it only if you can find it for a few bucks somehow, or a 14 day free trail card. Alot of people I know that didn't care for it much had enough of the grinding with the 14 day free trail card. This game and CoV is one of those were you love it or hate it really.
The game lasted me the three months it did was because I had alot of fun creating new toons nonstop aka altcoholic, trying out the many, many different combinations to the different classes and different power set builds. The game is full of charcter diversity and tons of it! It's also updated alot and has alot of work put in by the Devs.
Now my head hurts writing this review, and wouldn't mind getting back to playing City of Heroes/Villains cousin Auto Assault! If you like grinding or don't mind it you should like this game. If you can't stand it then you best be careful.