Another family favorite forgotten in the dust of time.
User Rating: 5.8 | Classic Concentration C64
I remember the times where my family would get together and play games on the old Commodore 64. We would play games for hours trading paddles back and forth. THis game was my grandmas favorite. She and I would sit there and try to match the pictures to get the best prizes. The game was a sort of memory game that had tiles with matching prizes on the back. If you got two of the same pictures you won the prize. When all the tiles were taken away there was a picture puzzle to solve. The first one to get that right went to the next round. THe last round was a time deal where you had to uncover the picture quick or lose. I don't think any of us cared if we won that or not. I still have a Commodore and still see the scores of the games we played over 20 years ago. The graphics to the game were great for their time and really showed some goofy characters. The sound was real nerv raching in that the beeps and boops would make you play with the sound off all the time. All in all this was a good game experience,but I think nonexsistent in the game world today. If you like game show games like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and others this is a great game to add to your collection if you can find it.