An entertaining and incredibly challenging experience

User Rating: 8.8 | Claw PC
This game takes me way back to when i was still playing my psone. This game came along from a cousin who lent it to me and man, did i have alot of fun.

A game like Claw does not come very often. This side scroller is easily the hardest one ever made. Many obstacles to overcome as well as dodging cannons and leaping over spikes. The boss battles which are well done, prove also to be challenging to any player who's using the keyboard. Alse with thousands of things to collect in the level will have you coming back to each level trying to get every single item, which is nearly impossible. It would have been cool to create a shop for the items you recieved though.

The graphics are like any side scrollers, 2D. But the effects in the game are pretty decent, along with some pretty nice animations to keep the game flowing. There is nothing to complain about the graphics because you'll never be able to look at the screen and see nothing moving.

The sound is masterful. I found the sound effects incredible especially since all the audio effects in the game were created from scratch and not ripped off from movies or something like some other games do. Although sometimes I thought that they could have used more music tracks for the levels, otherwise a great masterpiece!

So the game is cheap, it's an incredibly hard sidescroller with great sound, and a fun experience to go with it. Good luck trying to find it though.