A standard game that just gets by on the small number of improvements from other sub-standard games in the genre.
Jericho is in interesting game, It's unique in some ways and heavily relies on formula standards in others. You will start off the game controlling one character as part of a team of experts in the paranormal, cheesy one liners and kicking ass. As the game progresses you wil gain the ability to control one of the other 6 or 7 members of the team which is where the game relly shines. This adds a massive inmprovement in veriety as each character has one weapon with first and secondary fire and two supernatural powers ie: telekenisis, astral projection.... Unfortunately you will only ever find the need to play with 2 or three of these characters but it's still alot of fun to do.
The atmosphere of the game is very nice and plays best in the dark, at night and on your own. It's very creepy and there is no shortage of sights and sounds to make you jump.
The graphics are pretty standard with characters looking not realistic but still good and plain untextured backgrounds But it still does well enough to give of the feeling it's all supposed to.
There are no shortage of one liners coming from the various characters but even though they are incredibly cheesy and dumb i wouldn't change them as the make a great source for laughter even though they do dampen the mood of the game.
As for the story that runs through, It's okay and it takes you to some interesting places and points in time, it is a little too unbelievable at times but it does a good enough job at getting you to play level after level with enough intrigue.
So in conclusion, Jericho is a standard game all round, you'll most likely love it or hate it.....
Or fall in the inbetween like me.