A few good moments, but its short lived!!!
*Breath-taking Visual Effects
*Interesting Spells for different Characters
*Almost every Gun has Alternate Fire Mode
*Dark Creepy Atmosphere throughout
*Play through a Variety of Environments
*Excellent Shadow Effects
*Ability to Switch to Different Allies
*Painfully Linear in Gameplay
*Story Hard to Follow
*Enemy's are Predictable
*Easy to Learn Enemy's Attack Sequence
*Clunky Controls at First, but get Easier
I enjoyed Jericho, but it had its fair share of disappointments. It was well thought out but the execution wasn't all quite there but I definitely give the developers an A+ for effort.
I recommend this game as a rent, then if you are really into it then you can go from there.
Hardware/Software- Probably will run smoothly on an 8 series video card. Its shadow/shader intensive given the atmosphere and settings. Play with the settings until you find your happy spot!