I just picked jericho up and from the sec. i started playing, i liked the game. I didn't get to play the demo but im not dissappointed at all. It really reminded me of FEAR (when i played it on the 360). i haven't played much of it yet (jericho) but im liking the story line, the voice acting is good, the graphix are not bad at all. its a solid 8 out of 10 for me and i cannot wait to get back to it. So if you like gory game with blood and alittle horror in there then Clive Barker's: Jericho is for you, or if you like FPS try it out. oh and one more thing, the load times on the PS3 are not long at all!!
For those of us who are big into the FPS genre, there are always hit or misses when it comes to this type of game. For those who are very very big into the horror genre, i.e. F.E.A.R. or Doom 3, this is one you shouldn't... Read Full Review
more credit than its getting, it shouldve gotten a 8.0 at least, the graphics are fantastic, the characters memorable, and of course the controls are very tolerable. The only thing that i would have to complain about th... Read Full Review