Jericho it something,if you like games like fear,doom 3,quake 4 things along those lines this game is for you, it's good

User Rating: 8 | Clive Barker's Jericho PS3
I just picked jericho up and from the sec. i started playing, i liked the game. I didn't get to play the demo but im not dissappointed at all. It really reminded me of FEAR (when i played it on the 360). i haven't played much of it yet (jericho) but im liking the story line, the voice acting is good, the graphix are not bad at all. its a solid 8 out of 10 for me and i cannot wait to get back to it. So if you like gory game with blood and alittle horror in there then Clive Barker's: Jericho is for you, or if you like FPS try it out. oh and one more thing, the load times on the PS3 are not long at all!!