the future in fps's i'd say.great work.solid.
having been a devoted gamer since the eighties i'd say this rank as one of the top twenty gaming experiences.if you like a tight first person shooter with lots of quirks and character development this is as good as it comes.and they use rough language.yay!
the graphic is breathtaking.not just effect vise, but also very well put together.
i've got an nvidia 8800 (cheaper kind) and the frame rate is top notch.
and no quick save!brilliant!
otherwise you just walk through a game.nice to look at but no real excitement. (half life..and most of the fps's unfortunately). GOOD FUN i'd say!!
on the downside you've got the somewhat sloppy ending.
but hey, it's the journey not the arrival that matters.right?
keep the faith!
4ever northern soul