Hmm... that was interesting.
The Story: Apparently god was a little too lazy back in the day before adam and eve - Apparently he made a unisex version of humanity called the firstborn(Sort of looks like a strange black alien baby thing) that was banished deep within the earth since it just wasn't a balanced version of what he wanted. Well, civilizations through the ages have had people trying to essentially bring him out through mass genocide, and groups like Jericho have been cleaning up the mess by sealing the breach of time and space(oooOOOOoo).Although it certainly builds up in the beginning, it just doesn't have much logic, and the ending was, well... I've seen better.
The Look: This is a very odd description, the animations and movements for your Jericho Team look like it came out of a bad PS2 game, yet the environments that you'll see are spectacular, particularly the 1213 AD levels.
So after Juxtaposing these 2, it's almost like That paula abdul music video where she dances with a cat. It's interesting, but not believable, and that can kill a game. It doesn't quite kill it here, it's just... weird. The great environments just give you the chills, especially those flying undead children... er ignore that part.
The Sound: Errie, creepy, screwed up in the head. Devon, whether he's alive or not(Not a spoiler, he dies in the first 10 minutes) sounds strangely like marcus fenix, the other voice actors are great as well.
The Gameplay: It's a combination of gears of war co-op, and geist. Since you're dead devon now, but con somehow float and control your other teammates, you can literally switch from one to another, which makes for interesting gameplay. All the teammates other than devon have special attacks with a cooldown, sometimes dependent on how long you use them. Other than that, it's a somewhat normal shooter.
The Good: -Creepy, very creepy. -The most disturbing part before the final boss.
-Ghost Bullet and Infinite Loop never gets old.
The Bad:
-The end ends far too quickly.
-Bad Graphics off the team just feels strange in this Doom 3-like environment.
-The difficulty can be a little too high sometimes, usually involving many kamikaze pus monsters.
The Bottom Line:
I'd reccomend renting this first just to try it out... if you're a clive barker fan you'll probably get it anyway, but I wouldn't spend $60 on it. The game only takes about 10 hours, or less if you like to speed run, and hard mode isn't much harder than normal painfully can be. Try it out and see what happens.