A bona fide diamond in the rough.
Jericho is viscreally exciting and violently insane, right down to the minor details like the unique gameplay mechanics and the original story. Jericho is a first-person shooter with a twist, with each character boasting different weapons and abilities such as slowing down time and the Ghost bullet (probably the greatest thing to happen to FPS's since The Darkness). While some of the environments may be relatively cramped considering there are 7 (6 after chapter one) squad members all in the same area of space (some levels are split up into Alpha and Omega squads etc.).
The graphics in the game are beautiful and capture the macabre of the game's setting. Shiney blood slpatters off surfaces, which is contrasted by the lack of shiney happy people holding hands, instead replaces here with bloody sadomasochistic zombies slashing and burning you at every oppurtunity. Each of the time periods are beautifully decorated by architecture of the era, with sadistic and tormented elements thrown in to darken the atmosphere of the second World War, Roman era and the Crusades (which were pretty dark to begin with).
Jericho's soundtrack ranges from operatic to twisted and epic. Sound such as the squelch of an enemy's head popping are just fantastic, other sounds such as the footsteps against the pavements, dirt and piles of excrament, the bullets being expelled from the player's guns and the calls of the enemy are very enthrawling and add to the experience.
Overall, Jericho is an underrated gem. Though it is clear why some may overlook some of it's good sides, but in all, Jericho is worthy of note as being one of the most surprisingly good games of the year.