Ever had the experience where you're watching a horror film and realize your body is getting tense and stiff, your breathing is shallow, and you start looking around the room in fear of something jumping out at you? Undying is a rare game, that actually has you scared most of the time. In addition, the graphics still hold up very well in late 2005, and the score was created by none other than Bill Brown, famed orchestral composer for film and games. A new texture upgrader has been released by an italian fansite, which upgrades the textures to 128, giving the game new life in 2005. If you like Doom 3 or F.E.A.R., get ready for the ultimate experience in suspense and horror: Undying.
As a longtime fan of Clive Barker’s novels, short stories, movies, and illustrations, I would probably give Undying a try even if it wasn’t a first-person shooter. The story of a seasoned spook hunter scouring the misty... Read Full Review
Horror games are scary. Mostly scary, depending on how good the programmers are. Well, they're supposed to be, nobody played Resident Evil or Silent Hill because they wanted to see little girl picking flowers with Super ... Read Full Review