nerve wrecking
Undying is a frightening nerve wrecking game with alot of dark sinister ideas behind it. If you compare Undying with Jericho, believe me you'll be putting Jericho aside, if you'r out just for the horror and not for the graphics. You will notice that there's less shooting action in Undying then in Jericho, but thats not what a horror game is all about, or..?. Undying features more scary moments. Moments that will make you turn around every 3 seconds just to check if nothing is behind you, or following you, or just standing there looking at you that would make you fill you'r pants while in jericho its just plain running around shooting some dead monster-zombies comming after you.
Gameplay is great, nothing wrong about that. Runspeed is fast enough, but not fast enough away from you'r enemies, and boss battles can be very very hard to beat because they keep hitting you with everything they got and you just got some spare time to make some moves as fast as possible just to hit and evoid again. Decent weapons included also, some strange one's a dragon like weapon that spits (ice?). A big stake shooting gun and a big chopping thingy that just tears you'r enemies into two pieces literally. Overall, it runs smoothly.
The world in Undying is just outstanding from a huge house to a huge castle to farms and more. Things comming at you (mostly wolfs) will be easy to kill because of the far range shooting weapens you got. But still can be some nerve wrecking moments while there running as fast as possible just to get you and sometimes even make left right movements to evoid you'r (bullets?) anyways, basic world looks great and there are many more to explore like dark alley's, basement, a misty underground path full of evil looking sound making monsters that just comming out of the ground sneeking up on you trying to get you offnoticed because you can hardly even see them, now that can be scary the first couple of times.
Graphics are ofcourse far to outdated, but for such and old game you barrely even pay attention to it because of the story thats getting you all soaked up. For a game anno 2001 it looks very decent. World texture looks great, model details are very low and blubish even tough you'r playing at high settings.
The game overall is very fun to play, graphics look great for such an old game, gameplay is very smoothly also, and especially the horror air running around all the time thinking someone is behind you, looking if there are more things comming after you above or under the ground, you name it where. So if you feel like getting horrer'ed, Undying would be a good choice.