Doesnt seem like gameplay.
The Story in Clocktower 3 is told very well and is very good. No spoilers in this review, just to tell you it's is really great.
The gameplay- Clock tower plays like resident evil, you move around fixed camera angles, solve puzzles, find keys, and fight the occasional enemy.
The strange thing in Clock tower 3 is that there is only 2 types of enemies, ghosts and bosses. The ghost cannot be killed, they can only be sent away by giving them an item of theirs that connects their death. So you dont have to worry about that.
Bosses however cannot be killed until a fight. Bosses will chase you around everywher in hopes to kill you. You can slow them down using holy water, using objects around you, hiding, or just getting someplace they cant. It goes for all the bosses.
When there is a boss fight, you get powers, and a bow with magical arrows. You have to trap them and deplete their lives. It seems stupid in how you cant just kill them when your running away, instead you have to wait to a certain point to fight them.
However the bosses in clock tower are very scary, theres a sledgehammer man who murders a little girl, an acid freak murderer, a gothic like man, and more, but not a lot. They all chase you and you kill them in fights, so their not different when it comes to fighting, only in story, which each has.
The gameplay overall is not that great, its like resident evil without that much action or depth.
The graphics in clock tower 3 are very nice. The character models are beautiful and make the games storytelling more cinematic. The environments are very scary and nice at the same time.
Clock tower 3 isnt the best horror game, but it is still great for a rental, not a game that you would play a lot.