Cloning Clyde is definitely one of the best XBLA games you'll ever play, period.

User Rating: 9 | Cloning Clyde X360
Cloning Clyde is a puzzle platformer that has over 35 levels of great, traditional gameplay. Cloning Clyde pits you as Clyde, where you end up in some freakish lab experiment where you get cloned. The game basically has a simple set up. You go in doors that lead you into another set of doors that contains levels for you to complete. The levels are basically rescue all of your clones by going into a clone machine and cloning as many Clydes as the cloning machine permits and then use them to get you through puzzles and such. Also, if there is an animal such as a chicken or frog, you can combine with it to give you certain abilities to help you through the level. The game definitely will get very challenging as the game goes on and will truly test your patience. Cloning Clyde has great graphics, gameplay and very funny dialogue and characters. A must buy for 360 owners looking for a great arcade game to play.