Cloning Clyde is a blast -- but it won't last you too long.
But this review is about Cloning Clyde, and it looks like that old-license dump theory isn't true after all. It costs twice as much as Frogger, at roughly 10 bucks, but it offers 10 times the fun, too.
You play as Clyde, some fat little guy who is suckered into a job at some cloning research lab for $20 dollars. Well, he ends up getting cloned a whole bunch, along with his favorite action figure, Killer Kenn. Now it's up to you to help him escape.
Okay, basically, that story's purpose is just to make sure there's some context to everything you're doing.
Cloning Clyde's gameplay is a mix of platforming and puzzle solving. I'd say maybe 60% puzzle and 40% platform. It's really fun while it lasts, as the game has you working your way through 35 short levels where you will interact with such things as levers, boxes, enemy guard robots, chickens, apes, frogs, goats, and oh yeah, Clyde clones. You can switch between the clones to get to other places you would not be able to reach by yourself. You also have the option to rescue each clone at the end for a better score -- but it takes more time.
The graphics aren't outstanding, but they do have a fun cel-shaded look to them. Keeps the game feeling light-hearted.
Sound is kind of weak... there are some funny sound clips of Clyde trying to imitate kung-fu, but there isn't any music during the levels. Which is very strange...
As far as downloadable extra content goes, there is none yet, but you can unlock some gamerpictures while playing the game.
Overall, Cloning Clyde is a fun, yet short, platformer that will definitely leave you feeling like you got your money's worth.