same game as the old version with new units. Same graphics engine and everything.

User Rating: 3.5 | Close Combat: Modern Tactics (Digital Express Edition) PC
Story: Your commander of a modern army or a OPFOR force. Kill the other people

Missions: Take control of the towns and hold them off from enemy attack. nothing special here

Controls: Standard RTS controls

Features:Handdrawn maps,Realistic Tactical Tactics.

AI: Seems pretty smart teammates know how to fight and enemys know how to fight back. It seems they know what your going to do before you do.

Graphics: Horrible. The maps are hand drawn. The tanks look like green blobs of nothing and the soldiers look like stick men

Audio: Good. Jungle ambiet is beautiful and voice acting is kinda cheesy but its fine.

Multiplayer: Online. Still no ingame lobby

Requirements: you must be a fan of the older close combat games

The Good: Sound.

The Bad: Everything

The Ugly: Everything

Replay Ability: None

The Bottom Line: A horrible try at converting a world war II war simulator series to modern times.