Its a fun idea... but it gets held back by certain things... somewhat of a shame actualy
The game play of this game is somewhat repetitive. You start out in a very simple run through a series of rooms to get to the next floor while defeating enemies along the way. The game evolves rather quickly, the amounts of floors change, types and AI of the enemies increase. The enemies become somewhat diverse but not very, you will find that you can eliminate most within maybe one shot or so, and may not really figure out what they even do.
Possibly the most original part of this game would be that it incorporates a Boss battle sometimes. Though it is no where near random where they pop up, they have a rather simple way to defeat each, and there are only three of them total. This is probably the only reason this game is anywhere near worth buying, and it falls flat on its face even still.
The thing that will annoy most players is that there are 50 or so items and 20+ of which are guns. Each gun uses a singular type of ammunition which causes one huge problem. Ammo reloads are found throughout the levels or are dropped by enemies. The reason why this is bad is because a reload only reloads ONE of your weapons which it predetermines meaning if you don’t want it, your stuck. What tops this is that there is a somewhat random amount of reloads that appear throughout the level, and if you can’t pick up anymore ammo for a weapon (because the ammo is full) the reload is useless and prevents you from getting ammo for something you want. This forces players to pick up the fewest weapons they can so they can concentrate their ammo reloads into what counts. This really puts me off because I like the idea of a perfect game, and it becomes much, much harder to do this just because of this stupid concept.
They include an Infinity Mode once you basically complete a large portion of the game. This mode is basically a battle in the game where the levels never stop and also increase in difficulty as you go. The enemies become harder, the ammo and health decrease in quantity meaning that eventually you will have to stop. This mode is what the game designers must have imagined as a way to increase the games value, because randomly generates new maps every time you play through so you will supposedly never get bored. This was a good idea but because of the lack of the second joystick and the lousy weapons system, it still doesn’t seem fun.
The sound and graphics are OK. The Graphics mess up from time to time, but not noticeably usually. The sound is somewhat repetitive, when no enemies are around you can only hear a dull footstep noise, and when they are around a boring song plays, and the song is always the same. These things add almost nothing to this game either.
Unfortunately the designers should have thought more into how they designed this game because a few things just hold it back to much for it to be a Best PSP Game. To bad really, it has some.... but I expect that it will only amuse you for a few days... if only a few hours.