Coded Arms is one of the best and only FPS titles on the PSP...
The first thing you will notice about Coded Arms is the sound. One of the best soundtracks and sound effects I've heard on the PSP. The game is basically about a government combat training simulator that malfunctioned, creating a virtual battlefield swarming with deadly enemies. You as a hacker called the "Coded Ones" find this system and begin to fight these creatures to earn rare items found through out the system called "A.I.D.A."
I've probably spent most of my time learning the controls. There are four different types of controls and as for me, the first type of settings were easier to get use to than the others. Now since there is not a second analog stick on the PSP, I found it easer to move my character around using the analog stick than having it as my aiming. The controls are definitely going to take sometime to get used to. One of the most interesting things I noticed about playing Coded Arms was the level designs. The levels can range from being really small to extremely large arenas. There's also the fact that there is a random map generator for each level, so if you were to replay the same level, it would appear different every time you play it. Another cool thing about Coded Arms is the way the creatures die. From aliens to robots, when they get "Deleted" a trail of numbers would slowly deteriorate them, almost Matrix like, and definately reminiscent of Tron 2.0.
Now, I've experienced lagging before in a PSP game, but this game has the worst. Yes the game does lag when there are a lot of things happening at once. This can get annoying and make you die faster which somewhat ruins the fun. Just remember when you die you have to start from the beginning again, so save often. Loading is not a big deal at all for this game. The longest I had to wait would be about ten seconds, but usually it's around three to four seconds max.
Multiplayer is extremely fun with friends even though it would be cooler to see an online mode. Up to four players can join one game choosing from Last Man Standing, Deathmatch, Keep The Mark and more gaming modes. This game also has a lock on aim-help mode witch can be turned on or off as you see fit, but I would recommend keeping it on. At least for single player.
I personally loved the game. As I said before, great sound affects, superb music for each level and great graphics for the PSP. I give Coded Arms a 9.0 just because of how much the controls are hard to get use to, and the game is VERY hard and not for the faint of heart. Either than that this game is definitely worth buying, especially since it's only 15 bucks now.