Has alot of missing things...

User Rating: 6.5 | Codename Panzers: Cold War PC
This game has been one of the most awaited games in 2009, at least in my opinion. Though the trailers seem to impress people , the gameplay and realism can be very irritating sometimes, especially when you expect alot in this game or just "comparing" the genre of WiC comes a long way in expectation..

Graphics: The textures are very sharp for vehicles ,environments, and buildings but the infantry doesnt have the blessing of realistic textures. If you love infantry with high detail like what you see in WiC or COH, this is not the game for you. The infantry have very blurry textures but may be fixed with the resolutions. The infantry also resembles too much of WWII units and the game would be struck in realism. The physics seem very impressive but not expressed too much in the game, more destructible environment would be very good in the game. Despite the infantry's low texture quality, they still move realisticly, it can be compared on how units move in EndWar.To get an easier look in how graphics are like, you can compare it to the game Faces Of War without the infantry textures. The menu looks very cheesy and is bad for me.Explosion graphics are well done
Gameplay: units are not modern. In fact there are little units in the game and most units doesnt have that "awesome" feeling. The units seem to work perfectly and no bug in pathfinders was noticed. The gameplay is easy and the skirmish mode seems to be missing a feature. More units should be put in skirmish mode as well as building aircraft or helicopters. Navy units would go a long way in the game. Some cases in lowend cpu's, unit movement seem jittery but still tolerable. The AI can be challenging but they quit too easily but they do fuction properly. There is only one resource that can be acquired by capturing points or killing enemy units.The fun starts at large battles.
Sounds: The sounds seem fine in explosions and voiceacting is good. All machinegun sounds seem to be identical and have bad sound quality or bad sound of choice, Music can be hated.

This game has the guts to be released when WiC dominates as the best coldwar rts there is. It has so much to learn and it needs a check in modern RTS games