A game so bad, you'll have to see it to believe it!
This "game".....
Is the biggest piece of Sh** I have EVER played in all my years of gaming! But, where do I begin?
Well first off, Colaris (with the subtitle The Rise of Yellow, for some reason), in all it's glory, brings us two epic game modes to play with:
First is the main game mode, Colaris, in which the screen is displayed with a color, either red or blue and the occasional Yellow. You are given a time limit with about 2 seconds to start with, and have to hit the corresponding button on the Xbox Gamepad to the displayed color on the screen. For every successful button press, you earn one point, and a small time bonus. Miss the button press and you are deducted a point, but do not lose any time. Should you lose points when you have 0 points, you will earn negative points! That's right, you are able to earn a score even worse than zero. If time were to run out, you lose the game (as most games are), but for some odd reason, the timer always stops at 0.0017, then about a second later it goes down to 0.0000.
Second is the Ball Pursuit mode, in which you are pitted against an opponent to catch balls that appear from random areas from the sides of the rectangle arena. First to a set amount of points wins. This plays very similarly to Hungry Hungry Hippos, but i suggest to play that instead of this waste of time. Anyway, there are also some settings for the game, such as ball speed, ball appearance rate, computer difficulty, etc. I have to admit that the game can be slightly enjoyable when set to max speed and computer difficulty (which Impossible difficulty is higher than God difficulty). However, the computer is literally a God in these settings, as it is able to catch each and every ball that appears on the screen, save for the ones that happen to land at you. Even with max point settings, this only lasts for about 30 seconds, so there's not much to enjoy. There's also a second player option, but good luck finding a friend to play this disaster with you.
So that's Colaris: The Rise of Yellow. A very bad game indeed.
I love the Rise of Yellow, it's so bad.