Some great ideas, cool setting and story ideas, and some jumpy moments, but could have been polished up a bit.
The scary meter went off the scale a few times for me. Unlike RE, the zombies werent slow, werent dumb, and a lot tougher. They would even stare you down and dodge gun fire and stalk you. I came out of my seat 3 or 4 times during the ship part of the game. The lighting was great. Sometimes you couldnt see unless you used a light. I remember clearing a small room with my flashlight, but I was being stalked. When I turned around this loud shrill scream sounded and this zombie came flying at me with a knife. I say I got 3 inches off my seat that time. lol The game has times when it gives you no time to react unlike others. Its worth playing if you enjoy this type of game.